The series was discontinued because in the wake of Star Trek: The Motion Picture many official technical manuals and such came on the market, and remaining material was incorporated in Mandel's USS Enterprise Officer's Manual (1980).[2]
As much as I consider myself a Trek fan, I do not recognize every single area. There's the bridge and cargo bays, the hangar bay, living quarters for lowly crewmen and higher officers, the astrometrics lab, rooms for seminars, sections that probably relate to engineering along with the mandatory warp core, the ready room, the reunion room (or whatever it is called) and many more. I also speculate that at least one depicts the interior of a shuttle, I am not however sure. For the rest, I will have to put my overactive imagination to good use.
starfleet officer manual pdf 11
Then you should watch TOS carefully again, as the only time a crew from another Federation starship bore an insignia other than the delta was the three officers we saw in The Omega Glory. The memo is about this production error. There were no other errors prior to this episode, or after.
Starfleet Command General Orders and Regulations were a series of guidelines used to instruct members of Starfleet on the proper etiquette and policy in a situation that required consultation for a resolution. These protocols were the foundation of Starfleet and the responsibility of its officers to uphold and protect, ranging from all manners of duty, such as interstellar diplomacy to punctuation of reports. Violations of protocol could have led to being placed on report, a court martial, demotion of rank, or other reprimands.
These guidelines' fundamental principles were integral for Starfleet officers to help avoid conflicts of interest, (TNG: "Redemption") including one's duty to the truth. (TNG: "The First Duty") Guidelines were useful in many situations, including when flag officers could not be consulted to resolve a situation. (VOY: "Equinox")
No Starfleet regulations permitted one's execution without a trial, something Spock reminded James T. Kirk of in 2259 of the alternate reality. The first officer was expressing his concerns about Kirk hunting down and assassinating "John Harrison". He also added that a preemptive strike on Qonos was not permissible either. Kirk reminded him that their orders from Admiral Alexander Marcus was not a matter of Starfleet regulation. Spock then reminded him that apart from regulations, the act would be immoral. Kirk then countered that by saying that regulations aside, rescuing Spock from the volcano on Nibiru was moral, yet nobody congratulated him for doing so. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
According to Leonard McCoy, the captain of a Starfleet vessel had the authority to transfer officers as he pleased, something which could be found in "a hundred volumes of space regulations somewhere." (TOS: "The Conscience of the King") Specific regulations were as follows:
This is a basic guide for Starfleet Command: Gold Edition to introduce you to what officers are, and why you want them on your ship, or why you would even spend precious prestige on those expensive legendary officers.
As you play through missions, your crew gains experience, gradually getting better at what they do. If you hire a Rookie, you can watch them progress in their career until they become a Veteran, though the Legendary officers can only be purchased as a rare spawn at the Recruitment Office. Higher ranks take more missions to get the experience needed to reach the new rank, and this shows as a % when in the Recruitment Office to see how far along your officer is towards their next promotion. Once they hit 100%, it requires one extra mission to gain the next rank. Newly purchased officers will always start at 0% towards their next rank.
Initial expenditure is also granted under the present Charter for the establishment of a Starfleet Academy for the purpose of training officers and personnel for Starfleet duty. The standards for training such officers and personnel shall be determined by the Military Staff Committee and approved by the Federation Council.
The Executive shall be comprised of a President and such staff as the United Federation may require. The President shall be appointed by the Supreme Assembly upon the recommendation of the Federation Council, and shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the United Federation.
We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available.Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
MENDEZ: Oh, Jim, I just can't understand this.KIRK: Mister Spock received a starbase transmission, a message from theformer commander of the Enterprise, Fleet Captain Pike, urgentlyrequesting that we divert here.MENDEZ: Impossible.KIRK: If my first officer states he received a transmission from MENDEZ: Jim, I'm not doubting anyone's word. I'm simply telling youit's impossible.KIRK: Why?MENDEZ: You don't know? You actually don't know what's happened toCaptain Pike? There's been subspace chatter about it for months.I'm sorry to have to be the one to show you. He's upstairs in themedical section.
KIRK: Once more, Jose. Spock stated he received amessage for us to come here. He entered same in his log. That's all theproof I require.MENDEZ: And what do those record tapes show? No message sent from here.No message received by your vessel.KIRK: Then I suggest the record tapes have been deliberately changed. Acomputer expert can change record tapes, duplicate voices, sayanything, say nothing.MENDEZ: The fact remains that your first officer's former captain ishospitalised, horribly injured, at this base, and that same firstofficer seems to be the only one who heard that message.KIRK: If he had wanted to see Captain Pike he could have requested aleave. I would have granted it.MENDEZ: Well, that's true of course.KIRK: Who would want to divert us here? There's no trouble in the spacesector we're patrolling now. No alien problems.MENDEZ: Computer Centre.
KIRK: (reading) For eyes of Starfleet Command only.MENDEZ: Oh, I'm certifying I ordered you to read it. Know anything atall about this planet?KIRK: What every ship Captain knows. General Order 7, no vessel underany condition, emergency or otherwise, is to visit Talos Four. MENDEZ: And to do so is the only death penalty left on our books. OnlyFleet Command knows why. Not even this file explains that. (unlocks themagnetic strip) But it does name the only Earth ship that ever visitedthe planet.KIRK: The Enterprise, commanded by Captain Christopher Pike.MENDEZ: With a half Vulcan science officer named Spock.PIPER: Commodore! Captain Pike, he's gone!MENDEZ: Mendez here. What is it?VOICE [OC]: Starship Enterprise, Commodore. It's warping out of orbit.Refuses to acknowledge our signal.
MCCOY: I keep wondering who might be after us in ashuttlecraft and I keep coming up with the same answers, but I can't beright, can l, Mister Spock. SPOCK: Computer control. Lock on to shuttlecraft following us.COMPUTER: Locked on. Tractor beam ready.SPOCK: Go to tape Abel Seven Baker. Execute instructions.MCCOY: Is it the captain, Mister Spock?HANSEN: Sir, the engines are reversing. She's brought herself to a deadstop.SPOCK: This is the First Officer speaking. Security, send an armed teamto the Bridge. Transporter Room, stand by to beam Captain Kirk aboard.Effective until then, Lieutenant Hansen is in operational command.HANSEN: Sir?SPOCK: First Officer out. Doctor, as senior officer present, I presentmyself to you for arrest.MCCOY: You what?SPOCK: The charge is mutiny, Doctor. I never received orders to takecommand.SECURITY: Security reporting, Mister Spock.SPOCK: Doctor.MCCOY: Mister Spock is, er, under arrest. Is confinement to quartersenough?SPOCK: Adequate, Doctor. I'll make no trouble.MCCOY: Well, confine him.SECURITY: Yes, sir.
KIRK: This hearing is convened. Mister Spock,you're aware of your right to counsel of your choice?SPOCK: Sir, I waive counsel. Further, I waive rights to this hearingand request immediate court-martial.KIRK: Request denied.SPOCK: May I inquire on what grounds, Captain?KIRK: A mutiny requires a trial board of no less than three commandofficers. Since there are only two of that rank availableSPOCK: Sir, I must point out that there are three officers of commandrank available. Yourself, Commodore Mendez, and Captain ChristopherPike.KIRK: Denied. Captain Pike is a complete invalid.SPOCK: I believe you'll find he's still on the active duty list.MENDEZ: We didn't have the heart to retire him, Jim. He's got you.Whatever he's up to, he's planned it well.
PIKE [on screen]: Our time warp, factor seven.TYLER [on screen]: Course computed and on the screen.NUMBER ONE [on screen]: All decks have acknowledged, sir.PIKE [on screen]: Engage.MENDEZ: Screen off. Mister Spock, I'm truly amazed at your technicalprowess in somehow manufacturing all this. I congratulate you on yourimagination. But this is a court of space law, not a theatre.SPOCK: Captain, please tell the court this is not imagination, nor someclever photographic record. Are we seeing the actual events of thirteenyears ago? (flash) Yes, gentlemen. On that screen as it happened, theincredible experience of Captain Christopher Pike on Talos Four. If,after witnessing this, the court wishes to turn this vessel back, Iwill release this ship to manual control.MENDEZ: You're in no position to bargain. This is ridiculous. This manmutinied, stole your ship, abducted Captain Pike. Well, for me this hasgone far enough.KIRK: We still haven't heard the full story. I vote to continue.MENDEZ: And I vote we do not. Deadlock, and since I'm KIRK: Not a deadlock. There's still one member of the trial board to beheard from.MENDEZ: Very well. Captain Pike, it's up to you. Do we continue underthese conditions? (flash)KIRK: Yes.Captain's log supplemental. Mister Spock, on trial for mutiny, hasforced the court to accept unusual evidence. On our monitor screen, thevoyage of Captain Pike and the Enterprise to the one forbidden world inall the galaxy.MENDEZ: Screen on. 2ff7e9595c